Projector Solutions Is There A Cheap Solution For Projector Bulbs?

Is there a cheap solution for projector bulbs? - projector solutions

Separate It's a real pain to $ 500 for a light bulb so that I can see only a few films. However, it is still trying to establish his own home movies. How can you solve? Is there an alternative to the headlamp bulbs? I know they are expensive to manufacture, bla-bla-bla, but this can be done? Or maybe there is a projector, so that only the bulbs cost less than $ 100?


agb90spr... said...

I doubt very much. The bulb cheapest that I could be heard so far about $ 300. The problem is that the onions, the necessary production are small and very large. It costs $ $. The illuminant xenon headlights for Auto ... attractive, but replacing hundreds of U.S. dollars.

I suspect that each house "light bulb or incandescent lamp adapted to seriously affect the performance and probably void the warranty. I do not think it would be useful.

Ie, consider that even at $ 500/bulb can help when guests use 3000 hours, which costs less than $ 0.20 per hour is running. In 2-3 hours / day, needs a new lamp is only every 3-4 years ... and many of us are traded on the projector first. We also believe that most of us pay $ 1 + for a cup of coffee or $ 5.10 + for lunch and Do not Blink ... the cost of a light bulb Intolleranza given the experience of one of the big home theater screen?

Maybe if you throw coins in a box after 3 years is sufficient for at least one and maybe 2 bulbs.

It makes sense to maximize the life of the bulb by cooling) the lamp after employment, b) Avoiding rapid cycles on / off (never use under a lamp 5 minutes, c) with a UPS to avoid damage to the lamp in the event of a power outage (reports that the life span) cut lamp 20%), and d is the maintaining clean filters and avoid cutting air cooling, for example, blocking cooling.

Lisa said...

The search for the best price

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