Ssri And Crystal Meth What Are The Side Effects Of Using Crystal Meth While Taking An SSRI And Or Bi Polor Medication.?
What are the side effects of using Crystal meth while taking an SSRI and or bi polor medication.? - ssri and crystal meth
Let me first say that I am a staunch advocate of the use of drugs. This question is to continue my studies on this issue since the story with family members and friends.
I associate that I know who are taking medication for depression with SSRIs, like Paxil to treat, but also a medicine for bi POLOR disorder as Lamictal and one for paranoia (not what called s.) As is always my question: What happens if they take for those who put crystal meth in the mix?
What are the risks and side effects. If someone can let me know as soon as possible, I really appriciate.
Oh, ps.
No drugs, not a good idea ^ _ ^
Taking Meth is a very bad idea for a bipolar patient. Even at therapeutic doses of stimulants to treat ADHD can increase the mania in bipolar patients, and methamphetamine is a stimulant stronger than those used to treat ADHD. Sometimes, it can trigger mania, even users with no history of bipolar disorder, so it really a bad idea for a person who have bipolar disorder. You can also use the paranoia.
A document to read to my class today looked increase psychopharmacology compounds, the release of serotonin as a possible treatment of addiction to stimulants (cocaine and amphetamines). They found that in rats, these compounds appear to reduce the relapse into drug use, perhaps because he "reward" the effects of drugs (& quot; high "that people increase in search). SSRIs, the synaptic serotonin levels, they could have that effect too. It is possible that the person is simply not high (or higher) if, while methamphetamine use has taken an SSRI. This could be potentially dangerous if the person is, of methamphetamine in an attempt to achieve a high level, as this could cause an overdose.
Another problem I have is with the mixture of methamphetamine with an SSRI, that while methamphetamine has a much greater effect on serotonin, dopamine, serotonin also increases. The mechanisms are so different that I think the effects are based on the other, leading to more serotonin. In combination with an SSRI might potentiallSerotonin, and there are many that are known in a serious condition and potentially fatal serotonin syndrome. Although serotonin syndrome is rare and is often associated with MAO inhibitors SSRI's are is certainly a very real possibility, such as amphetamines taken a class of drugs that are with death if they are associated with MAO inhibitors. Several stabalizer mood are also available with serotonin syndrome, so that Lamictal can also increase the risk.
I'm not very familiar with the mechanisms of action of antipsychotics or mood Stablizers (which could be used), then treat paranoia, I can not say much about the specific interactions that occur with methamphetamine. I know that many antipsychotics Act dopamine, which is also an important TargETS methamphetamine, so that the potential for interaction, but I'm not really sure what to do.
Another problem is that medications for paranoia, a depressant of the CNS was able (despite its name, the opposite of a stimulant and not as an antidepressant is). Mixing a stimulant with a CNS depressant) can to cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat, which is potentially fatal.
Generally I would say that methamphetamine drugs and conditions is mixed into the category of "very bad ideas."
I do not know the side effects, but I could not imagine that her well. Only the effect of methamphetamine is bad, especially if going into withdrawals. One of the side effects of methamphetamine depression, and if your friend is taking medication for something that was very, very bad. In addition, methamphetamine, bipolar than his friend in his lowest? or all the time?
People with bipolar disorder are usually a combination of mood stabilizers and neuroleptics. These medications need to be very coordinated by a psychiatrist to work well.
The use of methods or illegal drugs while on these drugs, such as playing with fire. There is great risk of psychosis, severe manic episodes despressive / or death.
The psychiatrist, that people should be informed about the use of illegal drugs.
Try to be as fast as possible to get to that person in rehab too. There are places that together contribute to the "dual diagnosis" and to mental illness and drug problems.
I'm sure you know the answer already. Normally, if you have a good doc, they will receive medications to do things that have to do. Pharmices documentation and know what drugs can be put together and what not. It is also an important factor in mental illness that many people treat me with medication, it is only logical that the suffering and want to eliminate the pain. But it is playing with fire. Moreover, any kind of speed can give you a heart attack and, depending on their health and that the documents prescribed medication, not really a person who have problems and do not know. Therefore, everything must be done as text, and then you have a management body to help if something can go wrong. It thearpy, thearpy is thearpy the real dealNT will run almost anything, or an illness or coping with illness. Support groups are good for this kind of thing
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