Pins And Needles In The Arms With Diarrhea Experiencing Stomach Problems With Pins And Needles In Arms, Hands And Legs. What Can It Be?

Experiencing stomach problems with pins and needles in arms, hands and legs. What can it be? - pins and needles in the arms with diarrhea

I am a man of 30 years and for nearly two months ago I had an upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, stools are not binding, etc., and now I started with tingling and numbness of hands, arms and legs. My plan is to see a doctor quickly, but now I was wondering if anyone any idea what this might have caused. Any help would be very grateful. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

It takes a full work-up. These symptoms can have tons of causes - potassium imbalance, multiple sclerosis ... Just wait until your doctor can do some tests and if the answer is not obvious, you should have a neurologist.

Anonymous said...

It takes a full work-up. These symptoms can have tons of causes - potassium imbalance, multiple sclerosis ... Just wait until your doctor can do some tests and if the answer is not obvious, you should have a neurologist.

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